Jun 9, 2015

Google Translate Happy

here's an amusing tale..about a guy with a very active social network posts...the thing is...most of his posts were in English...now, i have no intention of being some stuck-up grammar police..but note of caution...YOU JUST CANNOT USE GOOGLE TRANSLATE AND POST COMMENTS WITH DIRECT TRANSLATION FROM MALAY TO ENGLISH... here's why:

1- Malay language is not the same as English Language that can be directly translated without changing it's real meaning.

2- People can get confused as to what is it you're  trying to say or may misconstrues your words.

3- You will be a subject of ridicule with many, many people print screening your text and whatsapp-ing your comments...to receive further derogatory comments and ridicule...

4- Instead of impressing people with your linguistic prowess, people will really know how bad your English is..

5- God forbid if your boss should read your posts....(and if they do, you better hope their English is no better than yours)

what you should do:

1- cease using Google translate for social networking purposes...only use Google translator for short sentences or word search (such as the meaning of insidious or bibulous or malapropism etc)

2- brush up your English.

3- read lotsa book...to familiarise with the use of words in different scenarios..or for short cut, watch lotsa movie so that in addition to being familiar with the sentences used, you can also familiarise with the pronunciation of word as well..

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